The Best Lip Balms For Chapped Lips

The Best Lip Balms For Chapped Lips

The dry winter season can be a catalyst for chapped, itchy lips. This year we’re taking our power back.

Lip balm. Lip balm. Lip balm.

If you’re anything like me, you probably have a few lip balms floating around between your car, gym bag, bedroom drawer, etc. Which thank God, at least we’re moisturized.

But I’m here to tell you, it’s time to throw out those 99 cent lip balms and invest in something that will truly change your lips from the inside out.

Below, I share my favorite lip moisturizing products that I can’t live without, including a lip exfoliant that is to-die-for. There’s a good chance your new “go-to lip” product is on this short, but sweet list. Enjoy!

Kalbe's Favorite Lipbalm
Malin & Goetz Lip Moisturizer

Malin+Goetz has ALL of my favorite skincare products at the moment, including their hydrating lip moisturizer. I love this product because it absorbs quickly and doesn’t require constant reapplication. This balm is no B.S. with its vegan, cruelty-free ingredients that nourish and condition your lips from the inside out. Talk about hydration!


Summer Friday’s lip balm has been my holy grail since the first moment I came across it. Its consistency, hydration, texture, and the subtle vanilla flavor is divine perfection. A little goes a long with this balm, and the hydration is guaranteed to last for hours. I can’t stop raving about this one!


This product is pure MAGIC. I apply a generous layer at bedtime and wake up in the morning to soft, hydrated lips. This lip balm is the future of skincare, with its exclusive technology that forms an 8-hour release moisturizing layer over the skin, locking in the active ingredients and mineral water.

Consider it the Tesla of lip balms.


Exfoliate! I find this step to be essential, especially if you are really wanting to lock in the hydration. Sara Happ has one of my favorite lip scrubs that eliminates dry, flaky skin leaving the lips soft and supple. Follow with one of the lip balms above, or your favorite lip treatment, and wah-la! You’re glowing.

And there ya have it… The best lip balms for dry, flaky lips!

Are there any lip balms you’re currently loving right now? Do you have any tricks for keeping your lips moisturized during the winter season?

Comment down below, tag me @kalbepaige or shoot me a DM on the ‘gram if you get a chance to try out any of these products.


Kalbe Paige


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