15 Ways To Get Yourself Out Of A Funk

We’ve all had those days where we wake up in the morning feeling kind of meh-- a bit disconnected from the world and from ourselves. If you’re anything like me, those days probably happen more often than desired and can last for days or even weeks at a time. That’s what I call a funk.

A ‘funk’ is basically another term to describe the feelings of anxiousness, uncertainty, extreme boredom, burnout, self-consciousness, or even sadness that may be standing in your way throughout the day. We’ve all probably experienced this at one point or another. We’re only human.

On days like this, I normally feel like a lost puppy trying to find her purpose in this world. Sad, but true.

Here comes the good part… What if I told you that you have the power to get yourself out of a funk? You literally get to grab your life by the horns and say, “Nope, I’m in charge of how I want to feel.” Sounds pretty badass, I must admit.

This starts with acknowledgment and taking thoughtful action.

Based on my own personal experience, I’ve created a list of ways that have helped me to get out of funks in the past. Keep in mind, this list may not necessarily be a quick-fix, but it will definitely push you to take that first leap in the right direction. Aim for progress, NOT perfection.

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1. Spend time with yourself

When I start feeling low energy and not myself, it’s usually because I haven’t hung out with ME in a while. Just me, myself, and I…3 Best friends!!!

On a serious note, I highly encourage you to take some time for yourself. Sit with your feelings, pamper yourself, and get to know “you” a little better.

It’s more than okay to give yourself some space from the rest of the world. Cancel your plans and put YOU and your needs first.

2. Try a new hobby

This is the perfect time to explore that hobby you’ve been wanting to try for YEARS. Sign up for a pottery class, take an improv class, become a plant mom. Open yourself up to all the possibilities and push yourself out of your comfort zone.

3. Get Outside

Whenever I’m feeling anxious or low energy, I force myself to take a walk through the neighborhood. I kid you not, something magical happens on these walks. Not only does my negative headspace dissipate, but I also end up feeling so much more connected to myself and nature. It truly is a breath of fresh air.

4. Move Your Body

Get your endorphins going and flowing. Sign up for your favorite workout class, get a gym membership, or even try a new exercise trend. My personal favorite program atm is Melissa Wood Health.

Working out is not only good for your muscles but it also increases your energy levels and promotes happiness. And I know… we ALL want to be HAPPY. :)

Find a list of my fitness must-haves HERE.

5. Journal

Pull out that empty journal that’s been sitting in your cabinet for years. Write down anything and EVERYTHING that comes to mind. Write down what’s frustrating you, what you’re grateful for, deep thoughts, etc. This will help to organize your thoughts by getting them out of your head and onto paper.

6. Connect

Call your mom. Send your sweet grandmother a text message. Facetime your friends you haven’t spoken to in a hot sec. Connection is something we crave as humans, whether we know it or not. Every time I get off the phone with someone I love, it brings an instant feeling of joy that I carry with me throughout the rest of my day.

7. Create

Create a new playlist, paint a canvas, create a morning routine. CREATE. CREATE. CREATE. It’s good for the soul. That’s a guarantee!

8. See a therapist

Therapy is the most underrated thing in the book. I really don’t know why there’s a stigma around it… it can truly be life-changing. I know for me, therapy changed my life and I wouldn’t be where I’m at today without it.

Talk to a therapist. Open up about your struggles or even your successes. With the right therapist, you will feel a tremendous amount of support and love coming at ya!

If you have any questions about therapy, I’d love to be your girl. Shoot me a dm.

9. Take a Social Media Detox

Sign out of the socials and sign in to your life.

Depending on how you use it, social media can be detrimental to your mental health. For example, if you’re anything like me you probably subconsciously play the comparison game while scrolling through IG. Luckily enough, I’m able to catch it before I get in too deep.

I’ve been trying to more mindful about who I follow and why I follow them. I challenge you to do the same.

Follow people who inspire you and encourage you to live as your most authentic self and unfollow those that make you feel the opposite.

Remember: no one’s life is as perfect as it seems. Instagram is just a highlight reel.

10. Clean/Organize Your Space

Get rid of the clutter. Throw out expired or unused items. Donate items that don’t serve you or your space anymore. A clean space is a happy space. Create room for more abundance and positive energy in your life.

11. Listen to Music

Blast your favorite album or even unwind to the soothing sounds of classical jazz. Listen to whatever it is that your heart needs at the moment.

12. Set Goals

Set goals for today, tomorrow, next week, and so on… Find that thing that will ignite you to take that next leap towards the life you have always envisioned for yourself.

13. Breathe

This may seem pretty obvious, but it’s important we take time throughout the day and acknowledge our own existence. Sit in the silence for a minute or two and take deep, intentional breaths (in through your nose, out through your mouth). Feel what it feels like to be present.

14. Pamper Yourself

Lather on your favorite face mask, get a fresh mani + pedi, or even schedule a massage appointment. Take care of yourself, honey! You deserve it 1000%.

(Find a list of my favorite luxury candles at the moment, here.)

15. Confront

Last but not least… be honest with yourself. Try to pinpoint what is bothering you or what is making you feel uneasy. Of course, you can try and make these feelings go away by temporary things. But in order to get down to the root cause of it, you must acknowledge what is truly going on inside— free from judgment.

Let’s honor and acknowledge our feelings, but let’s also remember that we are NOT our feelings NOR our thoughts. Challenge yourself to flip the narrative and turn a ‘meh’ day into a good day.

& there you have it, 15 ways to get yourself out of a funk.

Comment down below, tag me @kalbepaige, or shoot me a DM on the ‘gram if this list has helped you in any way. I love hearing your feedback!


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