Kalbe's Paige

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Life Update

Hello friends! As you may have noticed I haven’t been posting on here as much as I initially expected. Ever since the pandemic started slowing down, I’ve found myself busier than I could’ve imagined in my career, professional, and personal life. All that to say - I’ve decided that my blog would remain a source for me to share whenever I’m feeling called to do so. It didn’t feel right to put pressure on myself to meet strict deadlines with my blog, as I feel my best content comes out when I’m feeling inspired.

Life has been full of ups and downs since we last spoke. My grandpa, who was my role model and biggest supporter passed away as a result of Parkinson’s and Lewey Body dementia. I gained another nephew who has been nothing but a bright light in my life. I’ve witnessed loved one’s battle with mental health and have gained a newfound awareness of it in my own life. My boyfriend and I got a puppy, who we love dearly and are quite literally obsessed with. I booked my first acting role as a lead in a commercial. I graduated college and obtained a B.S. in Marketing. I’ve dealt with some of the worst acne I’ve ever had, along with rashes and numerous allergic reactions. I booked a recurring dancer role in a television series choreographed by one of my idols. I’ve witnessed my peers accomplish their goals and dreams. I got Lasik surgery (it’s worth it)! I traveled to St. Kitts, where I got to meet some of the most genuine souls and even won a round of bingo at the Kittitian’s weekly bingo night. I’ve tapped into my artistry and what it means to be human. The list could go on…

I can’t wait to continue to create and share on this platform. Your support means the world to me! And with that… enjoy some photos from this crazy thing we call ‘life.’

Blessings upon blessings…
